Madre de cacao kakawate
Barako coffee
Diatomaceous Earth (DE)
Kakawate, madre de cacao, madre cacao, Gliricidia sepium

It is considered as green manure. Leaves are rich in nitrogen and has anti pests capabilities. It is also used as pesticides and fungicides to control different pests and even coconut scale isnects. It is also used as forage crop for ruminants like goats and cattle.

How we use kakawate:
1. Simply leave the leaves at the base of plants and let them rot
2. Ferment the leaves with water or molasses and spray the extract
3. Boil the leaves and use to bathe dogs and animals to cure mange

How to ferment with water:
- Add 1 kilo of chopped kakawate leave to 1 pail of water, seal and let stay for 1 week.
- Extract the juice by straining with simple kitchen strainer or cheese cloth (katsa) and keep in a container.

- Dispose off the leaves by putting them at the base of plants, and leave them to rot.
- Mix 1/2 to 1 liter liter of extracted juice to 16 liter back pack sprayer and spray on plants and soil

How to ferment with molasses:
-mix 1 kilo of chopped kakawate leaves to 1 kilo of molasses. Mix thourougly ensuring that all pieces are coated.
-seal container and let stay for at least seven (7) days
-extract the juice into a container and dispose off the leaves by putting them at the base of plants
- mix 1/2 liter to 1 liter of extracted concoction into a 16 liter back pack container and spray plants once a week.
- there's no overdose
- this method does not have an obnoxious odor.  Instead, the sweet smell of molasses prevails.

How to use on pet dogs and other animals
- boil 1 kilo of chopped leaves
- when cool, mix to water on 50-50 ratio
- bathe the animals with the concoction and rub thorougly

These methods are our own and others may have better methods.
You may also use the boiled extract to make kakawate soap or other kakawate concoctions. Search google how to.

Home Product List Contact How to order
Order & pay thru BDO or BPI on or before Fridays.  Pick up the following Monday onwards
Kakawate Leaves P25/kilo
Madre de cacao kakawate
Kakawate cuttings
Planting material
P15.00 each
Madre de cacao kakawate
Kakawate seedlings
Planting material

Madre de cacao kakawate

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